
How to uninstall microsoft office 2010 onto a new computer
How to uninstall microsoft office 2010 onto a new computer

how to uninstall microsoft office 2010 onto a new computer

You can choose any of these methods to remove Office 2021 from your computer. This article illustrates 2 ways you can uninstall Microsoft Office 2021 from your PC. To know all the new features introduced in Microsoft Office 2021, refer to what’s new in Office 2021 release. In Office 2021, you’ll find new co-authoring features, inking tools, data types, functions, translation and editing tools, motion graphics, ease-of-use features, and so much more!

how to uninstall microsoft office 2010 onto a new computer

Office 2021 is a one-time purchase that will be available on both Windows and macOS. The Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021 is the latest version of Microsoft’s office suite that you download. We will use two methods to remove Office 2021 – Manually uninstall Microsoft Office 2021 using Settings app or use Microsoft SaRA to uninstall Office 2021. If you encounter issues with Microsoft Office 2021, you can either repair it or uninstall it completely from your computer. In this article, I will cover the steps to uninstall Office 2021.

How to uninstall microsoft office 2010 onto a new computer